In the nose it’s a triumph of tropical scents especially mango.
INGREDIENTS Water, barley malt, hop ,yeast
STYLE India Pale Ale
YEAST Top fermentation
COLOR Light amber with coppery highlights
APPEARANCE Slightly hazy
FOAM Withe and compact
HOPS Galaxy (AUS), Ella (AUS), Cascade (USA)
ALCOHOL 6,2 % - °P15,6
IBU 45* (bitter unit)
SIZES 75 CL - 33 CL
* calculation according to Rager formula
In the nose it’s a triumph of tropical scents especially mango. In the mouth it has a full and refined body, contrasted by an important but balanced bitter. The protagonist of the drinking, from beginning to end, is certainly hop that makes JIPA a refreshing beer with a strong personality, a perfect companion for every occasion. It goes well with medium-aged cheeses and blue cheeses such as gorgonzola, with sweet ham, white meat, grilled or steamed vegetables and, in general, with sweet or spicy dishes; it’s also ideal with curry.